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Posts Tagged ‘Marketing Strategy’

Three Mistakes to Avoid When You Are Starting to Market Your Business

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

If you plan on starting a small business or are currently running one, how to market your products or services is no doubt a top concern. After all, without some form of marketing, it would be difficult to get the word out that you are open for business! Many business owners, however, jump right into this game of marketing without having a proper marketing strategy or marketing plan.

The danger of doing ad hoc marketing typically results in wasted money and time. It’s also extremely frustrating to business owners when they don’t see any results and impact on their bottom line. With a proper marketing strategy in place, there’s now a goal, measures of success, a budget to stay within and a carefully thought out implementation plan and schedule.

Beyond not having a marketing strategy in place, business owners new to marketing also need to avoid the following mistakes:

Having an Unprofessional Image

There’s an old saying that goes “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” BUT PEOPLE DO! Consumers are inundated with choices. Businesses have a very small window of opportunity to make an impression. As a first step to success, you need to put your best foot forward by looking professional. These efforts can be as simple as having an appealing, appropriate logo and proper business card, no typos in your brochure and a functional website.

Hidden or Missing Important Contact Information

If you’d like people to buy from you, make the process easy. If your potential customers have to go to the distance just to find out where you’re located, they will not bother. Unless you offer something no one else does, it’s simply easier for them to find the next competitor than waste their energy digging through your marketing materials. Inaccessible information knocks off a few points on your professionalism as well.

Spreading Your Marketing Dollars Too Thinly

New and small businesses typically have a limited budget towards marketing. This reality is then even more a reason to use your resources wisely. Instead of taking on more than 10 marketing tactics from social media to trade shows to newspaper advertising, focus on just a handful of media, use them consistently and frequently, and build a solid follow up and tracking strategy around these tactics so you know how successful they are.

Even though the details of a marketing strategy are not discussed in this particular post, we have written about the importance of a marketing plan in the past. In addition to having a solid marketing strategy before you set out, use common sense and simply think from your customers’ perspectives and market accordingly.

Critical Skills for Success Seminar Series

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Pinpoint Tactics Business Consulting has had the privilege of being invitated to speak at the Student Biotechnology Network at this year’s Critical Skills for Success Seminar Series. The series of workshops will help the students  enhance their soft skills in the areas of technical writing, public speaking, business etiquette, and networking.

To find out more about the organization and the semiar series, please click here.

Product Licensing: Turning Your Competitors Into Your Clients

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

A few months ago I had a conversation with a colleague who has developed some fantastic materials for her business. As a HR consultant who runs a knowledge based practice, other than simply offering her time and her consulting services, she was brilliant in her foresight and ability to generate packaged “products” she can sell.

As oppose to worrying about other consultants stealing her intellectual property, she was very generous in sharing her knowledge with me, another consultant (though I am not in the same line of consulting).

But consider this: if you have a fantastic product, why not sharing it with your competition, FOR A PRICE? Product licensing can be a good source of revenue for your company. Do some research and figure out who your competitors are, select a suitable one, and offer to license your product to the company. Monthly fees, royalties, and a one-time fee to cover a time period are a few ways to create passive revenue. This is not to mention that your product will get introduced to a new market without you being the distributor and doing the work.

Beyond licensing your products to competitors, you can also do so with strategic alliances to create synergy.

Big companies, like Disney, license their products, in this case, Shrek, to other companies. The benefit now goes beyond what one company alone can achieve.

Do you have that product or service you can potentially license?