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Archive for January, 2011

Strengths Finder 2.0

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

After attending a weekend retreat in Victoria, Canada, we were introduced to the new and improved version of the New York Times best seller Now, Discover Your Strengths by Tom Rath. “Strengths Finder 2.0” is based on an in depth study spanning 40 years and covering 34 of the most common talents people possess worldwide. This study included millions of participants with the results being applicable to both your personal and profession life.

This book, unlike many others, focuses specifically on the core strengths one possesses. Rather than looking towards improving your weaknesses, this book allows you to embrace your strengths and use them to your advantage. Your own personal findings can improve how you work with others around you, and can help you excel at your own career and home life.

Studies have shown that organizations that are able to tab into their employees’ strengths run more effectively and efficiently. We encourage employers and managers to understand their staff’s strong points and allocate responsibilities accordingly.

Business Resolutions for 2011

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

Welcome to 2011!  The start of the New Year brings a fresh beginning to your life and your business. Here are some ideas you can adapt for your New Years’ Business Resolutions:

1)      Regularly exercise your power as a business leader and learn to delegate

2)      Lose the excess weight that is holding your business down.  If something isn’t working,  get rid of it!

3)      Get organized and track your marketing efforts consistently and review regularly

4)      Travel more out of your box.  Explore new options and don’t be afraid to take risks

5)      Get out of debt by creating a feasible financial plan