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Archive for November, 2010

Branding Essentials

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Living Blueprint Vancouver British Columbia

Strategy & Branding

Whether a company wants to grow, expand, or simply survive, a clearly defined direction is essential. Achieving success and recognition requires maintaining a consistent and appealing image and message through careful strategy and branding. How does one start this process?

1) BE DECISIVE! For a company to thrive, its direction must be defined early on. Otherwise, confusion down the road may stifle progress. To create a strong brand, there must be a clear understanding throughout the company of what they do and what they stand for. A carefully planned strategy will guide the branding process to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

2) DON’T BE AFRAID to ask for help! Developing a strong, appropriate image for your company involves careful introspection and making some important decisions. Strategy agencies provide invaluable insight and guidance throughout this often complicated process to ensure that your brand and product/service maintain consistency both within the company and in the public eye.

3) COMMUNICATE your plans! Constant communication between your employees and your executive team is vital when deciding on your brand’s direction and values. To achieve and maintain a consistent brand image, you must ensure that your employees believe in your company, thoroughly understand your core values, and work as a cohesive unit.

This article is contributed by David Childs of Living Blueprint Creative.